Editorial: Daily Gamecock Shows Complete Lack Of Journalistic Integrity In April Fool’s ‘Joke’
This weekend, in an act of blatant disregard for the basic tenets of journalistic integrity, the Daily Gamecock published several articles that fictionalized and trivialized the truth, in the name of a ‘joke.’
This is unethical and immoral- an irresponsible and reprehensible transgression, and an insult to the entire student body of the University of South Carolina, as well as journalists around the world, including those of us at this paper.
At The Third Spur, we value nothing more than ethics in our reporting, and we would never compromise these values. This is why we feel obligated to publicly denounce our colleagues at the Daily Gamecock, for willfully misleading the public while in a position of authority. People rely on media outlets like the Daily Gamecock to present facts in an unbiased and truthful manner, and the Gamecock has betrayed the public’s trust by breaking their solemn oath.
We at The Third Spur promise to fulfill our duty to you, our readers. We will always report on stories that are 150% true. We will never fabricate false stories for views, or worse, petty laughs. We will be the shining beacon of light and hope in this bleak world of beguiling darkness, a darkness perpetuated by institutions like the Daily Gamecock, inebriated off their own supposed power.
Come to us, ye who seek the truth, come to the The Third Spur, and we shall guide you to the light!
The Editorial Staff, The Third Spur