Students Declare Intro To Film Class “Too Demanding”

In UofSC’s most cohesive student campaign since the march against Caslen, the student body has come together to urge President Amiridis to change Intro to Film to a pass/fail course. Unlike the aforementioned movement, this one might actually produce results. Dale Wang, the face of this operation, put forward this mission statement when the link was sent out to UofSC students last week:

“I’ve been in my Intro to Film class for about a month, and I’m appalled at the work they expect a freshman like me to do. I have to watch a whole movie every week, and they’re not even always good ones. Plus, when I don’t watch the movies, my grade drops because I fail the quizzes. Undergraduate students should not be expected to recall the name of the main character, or the plot of a movie, if it’s a super boring one that they chose not to watch. Sign this petition to prevent others from getting trapped in impossible courses like this.”

After generating traction from students in other media analysis classes (who were “overwhelmed” by the assigned films such as Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006) according to sources), the petition broke ground in an unexpected demographic: biology majors.

“I can’t keep up with reading one or even two pages of pre-lab every other week,” says sophomore Floyd Helwig. “Me and the other STEM kids are hoping if we can get the sky-high standard film majors are held to acknowledged, we might finally make headway for the cause of just giving everyone free A’s for showing up. Then I might actually pass with a C.”

As the petition makes its way up the ladder of bureaucracy to the desk of President Amiridis, teachers and faculty alike have become ruffled. Lois Jenkins, head of the Media Studies department at UofSC, said, “I don’t know if these kids even know what they’re asking for. Making a required class like this a graduate-level course would just pile on the workload. They can’t even bring themselves to watch a movie, much less write a thesis.”

At press time, President Amiridis was seen shrugging and signing off on the paperwork, condemning Dale and every other film student to a semester of doom.