Investigation: One Desperate Student’s Embarrassing Dash to Her Shuttle

On Tuesday afternoon, a sophomore was seen speed walking through the Horseshoe in an attempt to catch her shuttle back to her off-campus residence.

The student, identified only as Natasha, is a second-year biology major living in Cayce Cove. Witnesses on the shuttle to the complex reported to The Third Spur that the bus leaves promptly at 2:45 and waits for no one. If you miss it, you are doomed to wait until 3:15 before embarking on a journey home.

Natasha’s class ended at 2:35 which usually gives her enough time to reach the buses from her class at Currell. Unfortunately, as heard from students close to the victim, Natasha’s professor ran over that day. Not wanting to be rude, Natasha waited for the professor to wrap up. Sure, she slowly zipped her pencil case and returned her binders to her backpack, but she was listening until the very end.

It was 2:39 when Natasha finally burst through the doors leading to the Horseshoe. She told herself she could make it, but, as each minute passed, she became overcome with worry. She hastened but didn’t want to resort to running. Not yet at least.

She could see the bus in sight, but with only two minutes remaining, even she questioned her ability. The clock flipped to 2:44 and that’s when, according to passengers, she took off.

“We were all rooting for her,” said senior Allen Taylor. It was a race against the clock as Natasha gained speed with each second, leaving behind her inhibitions with each stride.

Bus driver Jerry Whitehead described Natasha as “looking like Usain Bolt.”

She reached the doors right as the clock struck 2:45. But, her true test was only just beginning.

“I could tell she was struggling. She was only breathing through her nose because she didn’t want to seem too out of shape,” commented Janet Price, a senior. “She could’ve just panted out loud because we all saw her run and we understood but I think she just didn’t want to seem weird or something,” Price added, “she was trying to play it off like it never happened, I think.”

Upon arrival at Cayce Cove, witnesses described Natasha as “still struggling to breathe.” Nevertheless, Natasha carried not just her books with her, but so too her pride. Though, in the end, her dignity may have been dropped in the dash.

“She should’ve just waited until 3:15,” remarked Whitehead.